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Festival of Imbolc and Brigid 2013

29 Jan


Blessing Of Imbolc and Brigid February 1/2 2013

Imbolc and Bridgids festival mark the beginning of spring and is half way between the winter solstice and Spring Equinox.

It gives us in the northern hemisphere some much needed extra time to our daylight.

Personally I feel Brigid is a symbol of feminine in all stages of life. I associate her with Maiden, Mother, Crone, the seasons of feminine life.

On the evening of the 1st of February we will preform a fire festival which includes the tradition of burning of the yule log.

It also is about putting to bed all the cobwebs and winter blues, hard feelings letting go of the past and burning away all the fears you have had in the past.

We plant the seeds of intention for our coming year.

There are many sacred animals associated with Brigid :

Cat  “On Brighid’s Day the cats will bring home the brushwood”. Brighid is linked to a cat in Irish folktale.
Sheep, the ewes milk is a symbol of birth.
A white swan, is a symbol of fire and water, possessing magical healing abilities.

Horses, wolves, many birds and woodland creatures, Brigid is associated with many animals as she is looked upon as the nature goddess who with the help of the plants and animals brings healing to all who are in need.

Blessings to one and all and may you be blessed with love in your heart and peace in your mind.

Waking in the Age of Aquarius

16 Jan

2013 is the year of the black Snake begins on February 10th shortly after the New moon in Aquarius, the humanitarian of the zodiac.

Today I try to make sense of where I am in this 3d World, What the Age of Aquarius means for us. It is something that I have pondered on for long time. I see so much in the external world that is of lower vibration and my natural instincts are to help but my mind tells me I cannot help everyone.

Below a picture I took at my local beach last winter. I find it comforts me on rainy days when the vibrations around me seem so confused.

I have talked to so many people who are at the same point I am and we all know we are helping birth this new energy by spreading loving vibrations whenever we can. It is a learning process.

New old knowledge is remembered and some people are remembering things from past lives are seeing holes in dimensions and seeing other versions of world.

Our bodies feel sore, our minds are sometimes so clear we forget everything lol.

Sometimes it is frustrating other times it is ok, it is like riding a wave and not being sure if you are going to land in the sea or land on a rock.

Our inner world is changing so much , how we feel and forgotten memories , dreams such amazing dreams, things that feel so real like memories from our day and other memories combining and creating a new dimension , it is scary, beautiful dark and light bungled up full of contradictions. I feel like it is part of what we are here to do to bring all the crazy energy into inner balance.

I find myself pondering what the 10th of February will bring?

I feel the feminine power coming gently but powerfully and getting excited thinking how women will change this world.

Peace, love happiness and balance to one and all<3



Green Man

3 Nov

Oh on the nights after Samhain I feel the air changes and the smell of trees loosing their leaves, I feel the Green Man among us whispering snippets of how to love the land, speak up so I can hear you sing my beloved one




Shuffling through the shift

18 May


The above photograph is from

So Far 2012 has certainly been eventful for so many of us!!!

What I have discovered personally this year is that the only way to get through it is to accept and surrender to it. Flow with your energy

List of some of the physical symptoms : partial deafness, ear fullness and ringing in the ears, sinus problems, headaches,dizziness, back aches, lack of ability to do anything, not sleeping, sleeping too much. Being very hungry or forgetting to eat. Lack of b vitamins in blood.

It does not seem to matter what you do to help yourself if you are experiencing the shift you are experiencing some crazy symptoms.

The channeling have been very quiet and anything I read does make some sense to me. I take from them what I need.

I only believe something if it feels real inside.

I have started to knit to help my brain but at times the pressure is so intense I am unable to do much except lay down and give in to it.

Over the last week I have been unable to do anything for very long and sleep has not been sleep more like dreams/nightmares/interdimenstional travelling. Waking out of them feeling sore and still tired.

My guides who are still with me tell me it is all as it should be we are in the storm now and we are all getting through it, we just have to sit tight and allow it all in.

We have a solar eclipse May 20 followed by a partial lunar eclipse June 4. During this time and weeks leading up to it, the world is be affected financially, all the news is exactly that , that is if you bother listening to main stream media, but it is all over the social networks too.

Some of us feel so down and tired we are wondering what it is all about but I am told that it is all part of the shift or as I like to call it “shuffling through the shift”.

Conspiracies and the energy healing world:

Where do I begin there are so many and I am finding proof but I encourage you all to do your own research and  one full sure way of knowing something is right is your inner self test, if something does not feel right , you are probably right. There will be some who are more paranoid about certain things but I feel people who are very untrusting have some inner work to do to bring balance to their energy. Even still I would always trust my intuition. There is self test with muscle testing :, some find this a more reliable way of testing for truth or answers yes or no.

I find the best thing to do is to flow to where it feels right for you and follow your own energy not someone elses.


Drinking good water (filtered is best) you can filter and bless your own water with quartz or with music, I use the solfeggio tones but any good vibrational music works:

Eat a healthy diet: I am not a vegetarian but including lots of veg and foods rich in B vitimans, eating oily fish, taking good supplements with good oils in them can be used if you cannot eat  fish. I am eating more oily fish lately as my bones are so sore.

Alkaline your diet: you can download a free food list.

The sun: I check spaceweather daily to see how active the sun spots are and if they are any CME’s (this is when the sun spot bursts and the energy can sometimes be earth directed, this is what causes the Northern Lights). I do find when the sun is very active it can have a huge affect on me. The Carlini Institute is doing a study of how it is affecting us you can find them at:


Our animals have always helped us but now more than ever we need to help them too , they are being affected by the energies of the moment and it is always good to keep your animals energy clear, it will make your home more balanced too, I like this website on what to do to help clear the energy of pets:


More of us are finding working too difficult and are loosing jobs or just incapable of working in horrible working atmospheres. We find dealing with people a challenge and it affects our day to day life.I find using vibrational essences and wearing aura protecting jewllery to be helpful. This website has so many essences to help you, your pets, your family the energy in your house, you will find something to help you here:


Protect your home energy with Orgonite: Here is a brief history of orgonite:

I use orgonite around the electromagnetic areas of the home (TV and computer).

I also have many pieces of quartz and other blessed objects protecting my home and garden.

I encourage the birds into my garden with bird feeders, I find this wonderfully stimulating especially on days when physical pain is high.

There are some wonderful ways of helping yourself I find also soaking in a sea salt bath with some aromatherapy essences great, it helps my body and mind and I can meditate while i soak ;-))

We are in the eye of the storm at the moment and any of us are tired and fed up with the way things are, try to support your fellow shifters, lightworkers, what ever you like to be known by ;-))))

I go to the sea and watch the waves flow, this brings me great calmness.

Be kind to yourself, try not to let your mind bully your body.

Do something nice for yourself today ;-))))

Sending much love and many blessings



New Beginnings

29 Oct


Today marks the first day after the end of the Mayan Calender.  For more information please got to these sites;

Over the last few months many of us have found ourselves struggling with certain things and are finding it hard to focus on the present moment.

The last few months has also brought us the Occupy Street which shows how we no longer wish to tolerate the conditions in which the 3D world want us to live. The fairness is not balanced when 1% of the World decide what way the rest of world should live.

WE are recognizing the flaws in our governments and in the way in which the world is controlled by the banking system and war, more and more people are waking up to this and realizing we can no longer tolerate it.

It is wonderful to see so many people uniting on these issues. It is sad that so many are still living in fear and want to keep the old systems going.

Each day I find myself in meditation concentrating on sending loving vibrations out to the planet to everyone now exclusions as I believe we are all the same that there should be no divisions and it is fear that holds us back.

I invite you to come with me on this journey and take a few minutes out of your day to mediate love to yourself and to others :


Blessings of love dear ones , you are amazing beautiful beings of light and love be free in your love


Bless you

Love Liz


27 Aug

If I could see the stars from the beginning of time, I would truly know where I have come from.

We are all part of this great universe together we are on one journey, the journey of discovery of the true self; ultimately we are all one, each of us on our own journey to discover this. To find our way back to love or to find our way home, we are living in amazing times watching the 3d earth change so rapidly.

Recently for many of us this has been difficult to keep focus on, doubt and fear has come back in to our minds. Right now we are all struggling, the fear we thought we dealt with many times before has come back, everything we see in our day to day life is slipping out of our reality, leaving us wondering what is this all about? Why do we have to struggle to make ends meet? Why is living becoming harder?

One big part of all this is money, it is being put out of most peoples reaches. Money creates blockages in our mind to stop us from connecting directly to our source as it is providing us with worry of how we are going to pay bills put food on the table, etc, etc.

The 3d game is all about making it as hard and time consuming for us to make money. They have created the rat race, the taxes, the petrol price increases, the traffic jams, the rise in cost of food and less welfare payments so people have no choice but do a job that stagnates their energy hence making them a zombie of the 3d world. Money will soon become non-existent! We need to start working together and sharing and finding new ways of exchange and in doing so we are supporting one other. Help someone everyday if you can and you will see gratitude builds our love and our vibration levels will rise. Be grateful for all you have and allow others to help, never be afraid to ask for help, keep open-minded and see yourself with all that you need. Banish lack from your mind and create an abundance of all you need in every thought you have.

Why should we be forced into a job that takes over most of our life, we do not get enough time to stop and take in nature or appreciate the birds singing in the sky, the 3d system does not want us to remember who we are. Right now the key to helping our selves lies in remembering who we are, we need to connect in with all the wonderful beings of the universe, if you look to the north and look straight up you might just see something change in your dimension, but are we too busy to notice? Very often we see orbs, theses delightful beings have come to be part of this change helping provide light energy to bring love to our surroundings everywhere we look. A constant reminder that this is all a dream and we can change it when ever we want, do not allow anything external to destroy the peace you have inside. Remind yourself when things are tough you are a being of light and love.

Remember to breathe slowly, and think of something that makes you smile it is important to laugh and not take life too seriously. Remember it is all a dream and if you are in a situation you do not like change it!!!!

Hold onto the love in your hearts and feel your vibration glow, we are the change and we must continue to be loving, when the darker side comes up to play allow it feel it and let it go. WE can balance just keep smiling as much as you can, support each other and send loving vibrations out as often as you can.

We are changing the world we live in! Sending loving healing vibrations of light and love to all your wonderful beings,

We are Love!

The Alchemist

15 Aug

The Alchemist

Transformation of You

Yesterday I spoke with a group about transforming all the fear hate and war in the world into Peace Love and Happiness, I have been on a mission of love for quite some time now

How happy would you be if you could transform everything in your life to what you think you need?

Thinking transforms us into what we think, so if we think bad things then we keep seeing them, I have been doing a test on myself in the last few months to see how my feelings have an affect on my life, the results are amazing.

The answer to pure blissful living  is living in the moment, being grateful for everything , giving thanks and in doing this I find more love and abundance naturally comes into my life.

WE can do it. Right now more then ever the energy around us is changing who we are.  All it takes to change everything in your life is to change your point of view.

The inner self sees magic all around

Knowing simply how to create bliss

The Human self can feel magic all around

But simple doubts close the human mind

Alchemy is getting easier with each moment that passes

WE are guided by the love from our inner self

It grows stronger every moment of day

WE are transforming anger fear and hate to

Love Peace and Happiness

Living peacefully in blissful love

Try Living in the moment for just one day!

Once you begin, each time you feel your mind drifting to the future or past you must bring yourself back to this moment. You might find having candles lighting helps keep a focus and eventually you are flowing, your heart centre grows and you feel what is the inner self guidance coming from within your being.

Blissful living, loving happiness, embrace the love you have inside and live in the Moment ❤

Flowing and Glowing

8 Aug

The last few months have brought much change to the Great Mama Earth and with that  we also have had big changes in our lives,  some of us have been through some radical changes on many different levels.

Most of us have been faced with the daily realities of the 3d world consumming our minds with disbelief and fear of what the news brings us each day. Please do not allow this to take over your mind, everything is meant to fall so the new Earth can be reborn. We are the change and We are love.

Many people and animals have been sending many vibrations of love to many parts of the world that are suffering and in need of healing. As awful as some of these events maybe it is all part of the changes needed and we are exactly where we should be. I am very grateful for the love I feel and the help i receive from my guides and angels, we all have a connection to guides and angels, we are loved so very much on many levels.

Today and everyday let us get together for 5 mins and just be love just sit with yourself, play some nice music, light a candle, burn some incense and close your eyes and send healing love vibrations for as long as you can and for as much as you can!  This vibration is so important and it helps all of humanity and it is great for your own well being.

Have you noticed how the lines of reality have changed?  We Can No longer  live with fear in our lives. The 3D is trying hard to keep us in Fear with horrible images on our TV and chemtrails in the skies, fluoride in the water, HAARP, taxes rising, fuel costs rising, food costs rising. Know deep inside you are loved and provided for do not allow the fears to take over you life. You are an amazing being of light and love.

Time has become so fast in the blink of an eye we can go from Monday to Sunday.

Have you also noticed how many areas of you life which you thought would remain the same have changed and changed rapidly?

Ascension symptoms and the darker side of ourselves have come up for balance , so many ignore this side and it is something we must look at honestly and find balance for.

For anyone who is struggling with this please look at this:

Akashic records are continuing to be cleared and it is important now to look at this area in order to let go of any thing from your past or past lives that may be holding you back, this is a section which is covered beautifully on the Spirit Library:

I urge you all to be gentle with yourselves and look after your mind, as thoughts come in let the flow and let it go, support eachother as much as you can and do nice things; like take a long soak in the bathe eat a nice meal and spend time with your loved ones.

Sending healing loving vibrations to you all, Remember we are all beings  of LOVE

Love Liz xxxxxx

Twin Flame

6 Aug

Come with me to the sea, swim with me and feel how happy you can be,
I feel like a dolphin singing in the sea, sending vibrations of love to you and me

My heart beats louder when you are close to me, the sun shines brighter in the sky
and waves on the sea sing to me a sweet song that lifts me over the ocean ,
for your love is like no other my dear , you are my heart beat , my twin flame, my lover, my best friend, I love you

Kundalini Rising The Divine Creation

6 Aug

Kundalini Rising

The Divine Creation

We are all spiralling energy interconnecting with the cosmos, we are one.

3 and half times serpent coiled around the spine, coiling our very core, energy rising, sleeping energy awakened by the light consciousness.

Without this awakening the serpent lies dormant, the body never fully realising its full potential.

Root Chakra

In our Root we feel the awakening of the serpent energy charging our core with the passion of fire, uncoiling and unravelling up through us bringing our light bodies to life connecting with the higher dimensions.

Sacral Chakra

Our Sacral energy harmonising with our spirit inside our higher being, in breath and stillness we feel the energy rise in our blood , the balance between the dark and light, attracting the life force within, two beings connecting , desire, pleasure, emotion and creation.

Solar Plexus

Our Solar plexus strengthen our being with cosmic energy, awakening our power within, protecting and  connecting the higher being to the body we encompass, balancing the power within , dissolving  ego and staying in our power.

Heart chakra

Our Heart is our divine spirit of cosmic energy bringing love into our body and sending loving vibrations rippling as the serpent of light travels through us, it is the heart which channels the higher self, every depth of feeling, dissolving ego, uniting the dark and light, sharing the love we feel with the energy that surrounds us.

Throat Chakra

Our Voice speaks our truth, the voice speaks what the heart feels, the core vibration awakened, sound of our breath rising into the cosmos, vibrations rippling through all of time, singing opening our energy to the song of living, flowing in waves of vibration, taking us to the universal knowledge.

3rd Eye

Our All Seeing Eye is showing us our light path, kundalini flowing , guiding us into the higher dimensions showing us the beauty of our higher being,  our consciousness shows us  the higherself connecting us with the cosmic energy . Deeply connected to the light within, focused ,  thoughts go and we see the delicate visions of the all seeing eye, we  follow the patterns, our guidance comes with our stillness . Our light world realised.

Crown Chakra

Our Crown exploding into the cosmos rippling vibrations, kudalini fully flowing forever connects us with the great cosmic energy that surrounds our bodies, we become our higher self and rising into the cosmos, travelling to the cosmic heart, exploding with love. We are awake, fully aware and understanding our infinite being. Finally connecting with the higher being, the cosmic mother, brings you on the journey to the whole universe, spiraling energy, Divine Mother of creation.

Journey Back through the cosmic awareness ,we have seen all of the universe, we have sung our truth, we have joined our hearts in one love, we have burned through the balance of dark and light, danced through the pleasures of duality, and found our way home to mother Gaia.

All our being interconnected, awakened and flowing through the cosmos, from base through to crown we have awakened the energy of the Kundalini. WE are awakened to the energy of the serpent of light.

This is who we truly are, we are the Kundalini rising, energetic beings of consciousness love light, rippling waves through the universal oneness. We are one

Liz O’Connell